Allard USA
Allard USA is a subsidiary of Allard Support for Better Life, a group of companies solely owned by Peter Allard, President, based in Helsingborg, Sweden. The US market, founded in 2006, is based in Rockaway, NJ and employees approximately 50 people.
In 1997, Allard introduced the first carbon composite AFO with the brand name ToeOFF®, that revolutionized the O&P market for products to manage foot drop. We are committed to developing more carbon composite AFOs with varying degrees of support and dynamic response to meet different individuals’ anatomical, biomechanical, and lifestyle needs.
For over 25 years Allard USA has been committed to working together with Orthotic and Prosthetic facilities and medical professionals throughout North & South America to offer innovative orthotic solutions that will help improve function and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Support for Better Life
Everyone should be able to live their life to the fullest, regardless of their mobility challenges. With innovative solutions developed in close collaboration with healthcare professionals and patients, we strive to provide Support for Better Life.
Part of Allard Support
Allard international is part of the Allard Support for Better Life group. Allard Support currently has about 400 employees around the world. The global headquarters is located in Helsingborg. There are warehouses and support functions such as customer support, finance department, marketing department, HR and IT.
Sponsors and Partners
Allard USA is proud to partner with and/or sponsor the following companies and associations who share our vision and values.