Custom Composite AFOs: When “Custom Fit” Doesn’t! 


There is a wide array of "Custom Fit" AFOs on the market. In the interest of reducing labor and AFO fabrication costs, these are the AFOs of choice for many patients. However, sometimes, custom fitting the prefabricated products isn't enough to meet the unique structural or functional needs of the patient in order to achieve optimal outcomes and a custom fabricated orthosis is required. As a custom-fabricated device does require increased labor and cost, it is important to minimize potential re-makes which often are not covered by reimbursement. Although this course is specific to Allard AFOs, the learning outcomes apply to all AFOs.

After taking this course, the practitioner will know:

  • How to assess the patient to determine when a custom is required compared to a custom fit device
  • How to properly cast, scan, or measure for a custom AFO
  • How to position the lower extremity to assure good quality of the negative
  • When a custom can be ordered by measurement.
  • How to determine the correct level of dynamic response and how to specify that when ordering a custom dynamic response AFO.


Click here to begin the course.


Please also review the following documents:

Custom Order Form


If you cannot access this online test or have any questions regarding it, please contact us at or 888-678-6548. Paper or electronic versions can be sent upon request.