Allard USA
Welcome to Allard USA, your O&P Partner! Our aim is to provide technical support, superior products and service excellence, ensuring a positive difference to Patients’ lives!
Our orthotic and prosthetic solutions provide Support for better life for people with mobility challenges.
NEW! Meracus Prosthetic Foot
Crafted from 100% composite materials, Meracus® sets a new standard in prosthetic design. Brought to you by the dedicated team behind the Allard AFO, Meracus® is a prosthetic foot designed for a seamless gait experience.
Soft Good Orthoses
Allard's Soft Good Orthoses utilize fabrics engineered for comfort with support and stabilization to heal and relieve pain.
Maximizing the Benefits of Your AFO
Being diagnosed with a neurological disease can be challenging. Regular exercise based on individual conditions is an important part of rehabilitation and contributes to both physical and mental health.
Jessica shares her story about life with foot drop
Jessica went on a long journey from misdiagnosis to reinvention, working through challenges and triumphs while living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Hear Jessica elaborate on how Allard AFOs boosted her confidence and enhanced her quality of life.
Find a Distributor
We are proud to offer our extensive line of orthotic and prosthetic devices through these distributors.
In the News
Laurie Lasky has officially transitioned into the role of Education Specialist at Allard USA!
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jonas Holmstedt as our new Chief Executive Officer.