SELECTION Open Wrist Children

Selection Open Wrist Children is a brace that is simple to don and doff. It can be opened totally flat to make it easier to put on. The integrated "wrap around" straps give increased stability around the wrist. It has two thumb straps; one around the thumb and another on the dorsal side of the hand. This keeps the thumb in a correct position so that it does not drop towards the palm of the hand. The orthosis is intended to immobilize the CMC joint and wrist to reduce pain It also guides the wrist into a neutral position to support a wrist after trauma and/or post operatively if needed.

Made with the airy and comfortable SELECTION material with all the functionality this incorporates.

Recommended Range Of Application

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cerebral Palsy.


Measure 1: Wrist circumference
Measure 2: Palm height

Item No. Model Size L/R Color Length Measurement 1 Measurement 2
353061011 Children Small Left Black 14,5 cm 11,5 - 14 cm 7 - 8 cm
353061012 Children Medium Left Black 17 cm 12 - 15,5 cm 8 - 9 cm
353061013 Children Large Left Black 17,5 cm 14 - 16,5 cm 8 - 9 cm
353062011 Children Small Right Black 14,5 cm 11,5 - 14 cm 7 - 8 cm
353062012 Children Medium Right Black 17 cm 12 - 15,5 cm 8 - 9 cm
353062013 Children Large Right Black 17,5 cm 14 - 16,5 cm 8 - 9 cm

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